Last weekend we were at The Lakes International Comics Art Festival in Kendal.
Our highlights were:
- Staying with our friend Julie in her lovely cottage and seeing this view at breakfast:
- The Scott McCloud talk on Friday evening which was inspirational and entertaining.
- Being on the ‘To End All Wars – Art of Editing” panel and taking part in the TEAW signing afterwards. Sorry I didn’t get to speak to some of other contributors properly! (Selina)
- You can listen to a recording of the panel by Alex Fitch over at Panel Borders.

Jonathan Clode, Stuart Richards, Selina Lock (I’m looking a tad serious there!) & John ‘Brick’ Stuart Clark at the TEAW – Art of Editing Panel. Photo courtesy of Alex Fitch
- Catching up with lots of friends and helping out on the Borderline Press table.
- Meeting with folks from Lancaster University who are doing a research project looking at comics as a means of research communication.
- The Audrey Niffenegger talk – which started with the most surreal moment of the weekend – being introduced to Eddie Campbell & Audrey before the talk by Sarah McIntyre, so that Eddie could identify comic panels on my comic strip skirt!
- Being interviewed by Alex Fitch for a forthcoming podcast on our involvement with Obverse Books – Jay editing and writing for their Faction Paradox line, me writing for Iris Wildthyme and us both writing for the Senor 105 pulp novella line.
- Becky Cloonan talk.
- Felt Mistress workshop (Selina) and making a felt creature (not quite finished yet):
- Nick Abadzis & Rian Hughes talks (Jay).
- Buying far too many comics and graphic novels….
- Including new Strangehaven by Gary Spencer Millidge in Meanwhile…
- Just some of the swag…