‘Do Something’ – how to mail order

Cover by Jay Eales

Cover by Jay Eales

Do Something – a charity zine to raise money for ‘Hope not hate‘ was born.

This was our response to the Brexit referendum vote and rise in hate crime in the UK.

Zine is 72 pages, perfect bound with some colour illustrations.

Do Something – Contents:

  • Cover by Jay Eales
  • Introduction by Jay Eales & Selina Lock
  • Illustration by Dave Windett
  • The Cleansing by Mike Carey/M.R. Carey (new short story from best-selling writer of Girl With All The Gifts)
  • #DrawTogether #Pinclusive illustration by Emma Reynolds
  • Pin Money by Penny Jones (short story)
  • Spread Jam illustration by Patrick Scattergood
  • Beyond Each Blue Horizon by Andrew Hook (short story)
  • The Man Who ran Through the Tunnel by Ambrose Musiyiwa (poem)
  • But One Country by Rod Duncan (poem)
  • Song of Defiance (for William Blake) by K. A. Laity (poem)
  • Cartoons & Comic Strips by P. B. Rainey
  • Five Years (Lyrics by Alan Bennett) by Paul Magrs (song lyrics/poem)
  • I Saw Life Jackets on the Beach by Emma Lee (poem)
  • Smiling in the Slaughterhouse by Cynthia Rodriguez(poem)
  • Walls (after Bobba Bennett) by Cynthia Rodriguez (poem)
  • Anti-homophobia quote from Nottingham LGBT Switchboard (non-fiction)
  • Extracts & Photos from the Leicester Hate Crime Project– compiled by Selina Lock (non-fiction)
  • Illustration & Comic Strips by Vicky Stonebridge
  • Rose-Tinted Spectacles by Jay Eales & Peet Clack (comic strip)
  • Hope Remains by Mike Jennings (non-fiction)
  • Migrant/Bird Illustration by BlueLou
  • Lurid Sky by Jen Walklate (short story)
  • Weyland Street by Will Ellwood (short story)
  • Internationalist Manifesto by Simon Bennett (non-fiction)
  • Project Indigo – Daughters of War by Alasdair Stuart
  • The Gospel on How Not to Build a Tolerant Society compiled by Ambrose Musiyiwa (poem)
  • To Leicester Where We Belong by Farhana Shaikh (poem)
  • What’s In a Name? by Penny Jones (poem)
  • PLUS – A5 print of an illustrated poem by Yen Quach

TO ORDER in the UK:

Paypal £6.50 (£5 per copy plus £1.50 p&p) to [email protected]

Profits will be donated to Hope Not Hate

For overseas orders please contact us for a price via [email protected]


Lee Kennedy Collections & Do Something @ThoughtBubble

Thanks to our friend Regie Rigby of Desination Venus Comics (Harrogate) you’ll be able to buy our newest publications at their table at Thought Bubble this weekend.

They are at Stand 1, Royal Armouries Hall.

Hot off the presses you’ll be able to purchase:

The first two volumes of the Lee Kennedy Collection.




Inner City Pagan collects strips from Lee’s small press Inner City Pagan comics plus extra material. With a foreword by Zograf.

Wage Slave collects strips from Lee’s small press Wage Slave comics plus extra material. With a foreword by Roberta Gregory.

Each volume will be £10 each.

You’ll also be able to pick up copies of Do Something! our charity zine in aid of Hope Not Hate. This will be the perfect bound edition with some  colour illustrations and a free A5 print of an illustrated poem by Yen Quach.

It includes a brand new short story by Mike Carey, illustrations by Dave Windett, Emma Reynolds, BlueLou and comic strips by Vicky Stonebridge and Paul Rainey. For full table of contents see our previous post. They will be £5 with profits going to the charity.


So pop along to see Destination Venus Comics at Stand 1, Royal Armouries Hall.

The Fiction Frontier – Starting to Write Science Fiction

22 October at 14:30–15:30

Leicester Central Library, Bishop Street, Leicester LE1 6AA

A panel discussion with Jay Eales, Selina Lock and James Worrad from The Speculators., a Leicester writing group. We will cover writing fan fiction, short stories, novels, comics & short films.

BOOKING ESSENTIAL – call the library on 0116 2995401
For more information on StarBase and the Sci-Fi festival, go towww.starbaseleicester.co.uk
For more information on The Speculators, go to https://leicesterspeculators.wordpress.com/

Facebook event:


‘Do Something’ – charity zine

Cover by Jay Eales

Cover by Jay Eales

Ten days ago Jay and I were feeling powerless and angry about the current state of the UK, especially the reported rise in hate crime. So we decided to do something we know how to do – make a zine.

Do Something – a charity zine to raise money for ‘Hope not hate‘ was born.

Many thanks to all our contributors for such a quick and supportive response. Many thanks also to Jay, as he enables me when I have mad ideas and then does all the production work!!

Do Something

Contributions from:

  • Cover by Jay Eales
  • Introduction by Jay Eales & Selina Lock
  • Illustration by Dave Windett
  • The Cleansing by Mike Carey (short story)
  • #DrawTogether #Pinclusive illustration by Emma Reynolds
  • Pin Money by Penny Jones (short story)
  • Spread Jam illustration by Patrick Scattergood
  • Beyond Each Blue Horizon by Andrew Hook (short story)
  • The Man Who ran Through the Tunnel by Ambrose Musiyiwa (poem)
  • But One Country by Rod Duncan (poem)
  • Song of Defiance (for William Blake) by K. A. Laity (poem)
  • Cartoons & Comic Strips by P. B. Rainey
  • Five Years (Lyrics by Alan Bennett) by Paul Magrs (song lyrics/poem)
  • I Saw Life Jackets on the Beach by Emma Lee (poem)
  • Smiling in the Slaughterhouse by Cynthia Rodriguez (poem)
  • Walls (after Bobba Bennett) by Cynthia Rodriguez (poem)
  • Anti-homophobia quote from Nottingham LGBT Switchboard (non-fiction)
  • Extracts & Photos from the Leicester Hate Crime Project – compiled by Selina Lock (non-fiction)
  • Illustration & Comic Strips by Vicky Stonebridge
  • Rose-Tinted Spectacles by Jay Eales & Peet Clack (comic strip)
  • Hope Remains by Mike Jennings (non-fiction)
  • Migrant/Bird Illustration by BlueLou
  • Lurid Sky by Jen Walklate (short story)
  • Weyland Street by Will Ellwood (short story)
  • Internationalist Manifesto by Simon Bennett (non-fiction)
  • Project Indigo – Daughters of War by Alasdair Stuart
  • The Gospel on How Not to Build a Tolerant Society compiled by Ambrose Musiyiwa (poem)
  • To Leicester Where We Belong by Farhana Shaikh (poem)
  • What’s In a Name? by Penny Jones (poem)

We will have 25 photocopied versions of the zine for sale at Small Press Day at Forbidden Planet Leicester, 2-5.30pm, Saturday 9th July.

Over the next few weeks we will also look at making the printed version and a PDF version more widely available for sale. Watch this blog for updates…

Small Press Day at Forbidden Planet Leicester

smallpressdayWe are taking part in Small Press Day on 9th July to celebrate small press and indie comics.

The event at Forbidden Planet Leicester is:

2.30pm – 5.30pm

23 Silver Street, Leicester, LE1 5EU

Creators appearing as part of the event are:

Drew Sumner – Ink & Booze

Jade Sarson – TeaHermit

Esme Baran – Undine Adventurer

Sally Jane Thompson – Atomic Sheep

& others

Jay & I will be running free ‘Introduction to Writing Comics’ workshops.

The workshops will introduce you to the elements of a comic script, and provide a taster of the foundations of comic book writing.

We are running the workshop twice at:

2.30 – 3.10pm and 3.50 – 4.30pm

To book your place contact Forbidden Planet Leicester with your preferred timeslot.

More info on their FaceBook event and you can book by commenting on the post there.

Thought Bubble 2015 – All the Swag!

We always enjoy going to Thought Bubble, as it’s one of the most diverse comic cons on the calendar. Lots of creators we know and lots of new talent on display too.

This year (as usual) we got carried away buying fab stuff…
Thought Bubble 2015 swag

Saturday started by bumping into comics bud Terry Wiley in the queue and then seeking out Lydia Wysocki’s Applied Comics Etc. stall. Special thanks to Lydia for letting us dump our coats with her and lending me her chair for a sit down later in the day.

Terry & Lydia have recently been involved in a project with the University of Newcastle Special Collections (WW1 archive – see Thomas Baker Brown below).

Thought Bubble swag 9 The rest of the day was spent making the rounds of New Dock Hall and the marquee tent. Chatting to old friends and meeting new people.  
Thought Bubble swag 2

I made an unexpected impulse buy of this lovely hand-painted stone by Dominika Tomczyk. Dominika’s day job is as a mannequin make-up artist – who knew there was such a job! Those in London will have seen her mannequin work in various Xmas shop displays (e.g. Selfridges). We also caught up with Cliodhna Lyons, who was table sharing with Dominika and Benedict Bowen (storyboard artist & Phoenix Comic creator).


Impulse buy at Thought Bubble - beautiful original art by Dominika Tomczyk. (@bowendesign @ztoical ) Jay’s impulse art purchase was this lovely print by Sonya Hallett, as the dog reminded us of our dog Loki (who does like eating orange things!).  
Thought Bubble swag 10

We spent a lot of the Saturday and the Sunday chatting to the various people we bought comics/books from, as well as Andy Waterfield (who was involved in the British Comic Awards this year), Rachael Smith, Leah Moore & John Reppion, Antony Johnston and lots more.


Thought Bubble swag 8 Saturday night we went for a lovely Italian meal and catch-up with Matt Brooker, Jenni Scott & Richard Buck. Walking around the halls had worn us out, so afterwards we headed back to our hotel to watch Doctor Who.  
Thought Bubble swag 7

Sunday saw us finally get to Armouries hall for more chat and swag. We also went along to meet up with some of the creators from the ‘Women in Comics’ FB group. It was lovely to catch up with Maura McHugh, Sally Jane Thompson, Karen Rubins and to meet Tammy Taylor, Julie Nick, Kerrie Smith, Edward Brophy and Sarah Louise Elliott. Jay wants to apologise to Sarah for almost cutting her out of the photo. That’s not how it looked on the phone, honest!

Mini Women in Comics FB group meet at Thought Bubble

Tammy Taylor, Maura McHugh, Julie Nick, Selina, Kerrie Smith, Edward Brophy and Sarah Louise Elliott.


Thought Bubble swag 5  Plus lots more swag below…  
Thought Bubble swag 4Thought Bubble swag 3
Thought Bubble swag 2Thought Bubble 2015 swag 1 Overall, a weekend stuffed with comicky goodness!

Did Iris forget her biscuit & end up in the kitchen sink?

Jay has been busy writing short stories and has several being published in new anthologies:

The Perennial Miss Wildthyme

perennial_irisDeath of the Author, by Jay Eales

Right vs Left vs Wrong, by Paul Vayro

Wildthyme and The Wolf, by Graham Tedesco-Blair

Dolores Smith and the Birthday Bear, by Kara Dennison

The Girl Who Went Up In Smoke, by Greg Maughan

Onesies, by Steve Palace

The Opera of Samhain, by Donald McCarthy

A Grove Invisible, by Juliet Kemp

Michael Drake, by Dale Smith

The Midnight Empire, by Julio Angel Ortiz

Doppler Shift, by Ian Potter

Closure, by Paul Castle

Cover Artist: Paul Hanley

Available to pre-order from Obverse Books.

You Left Your Biscuit Behind


Photo courtesy of ‘Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums’

Elf Prefix by Graham Wynd

Between Love and Hat by Jay Eales

Black Glass by James Bennett

No Mercy by Kate Hollamby

That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles by Penny Jones

Feeding the Fish by Carol Borden

Mermaids in Cape Town by Mame Diene

Patron by E.J. Davies

The Price of a Biscuit by Kate Coe

The Princess, The Pekingese and the Ivory Box by R.A. Kennedy

Cover art will be by Michaela Margett

Available in 2016 from Fox Spirit Books.

Kitchen Sink Gothic

kitchensinkgothicDaddy Giggles by Stephen Bacon

1964 by Franklin Marsh

Derek Edge and the Sunspots by Andrew Darlington

Black Sheep by Gary Fry

Jamal Comes Home by Benedict J. Jones

Waiting by Kate Farrell

Lilly Finds a Place to Stay by Charles Black

The Mutant’s Cry by David A. Sutton

The Sanitation Solution by Walter Gascoigne

Up and Out of Here by Mark Patrick Lynch

Late Shift by Adrian Cole

The Great Estate by Shaun Avery

Nine Tenths by Jay Eales

Envelopes by Craig Herbertson

Tunnel Vision by Tim Major

Life is Prescious by M. J. Wesolowski

Canvey Island Baby by David Turnbull

Cover Artwork by Joe Young

Out now! Available through Amazon.


A cartoonists reaction to 7/7

The anniversary of the London bombings on 7th July 2005 reminded me that Lee Kennedy created a diary comic about her reaction to the bombings which we ran in The Girly Comic. I think Lee’s strip encapsulates the feelings of helplessness and the need to escape the news that many of us often feel (see below).

I can’t imagine how those directly affected by the bombings are feeling and our thoughts and wishes go out to them.






