Terror Tales, Volume 3 Number 2 – Spring 2014


Containing the first publication of one of my earliest stories: Zeitgeist. Something of a period piece now, Zeitgeist focuses on the historic day in tiny market town Allerdale where they received their very first cash machine… and the workmen disturb more than just the town luddites in the process. Featuring Uncle Henry, the Fast Food Exorcist.

“I were talking to me mam about… y’know… the Ess Pee Oh Oh Kay. And she reckoned as how we should have a word with me Uncle Henry. Him as runs the Chippy? Apparently, he’s the seventh son of a seventh son, or summat. Does a bit of exorcising on the side, like. So I asked him to come over.” She finished her little speech with a flourish, “He said he’ll be in later, when he’s had a chance to get the taters in.”

The full line-up is:

Terror Tales Spring 2014, Vol. 3 No. 2, Issue 10 (RAIN130)

Edited by John B Ford & Steve Lines

Walpurgis Homecoming by Franklyn Searight

Zeitgeist by Jay Eales

The Lost Guitar of Jordan Wells by Sue Phillips

The Change Will Do You Good by Mark Walker

The Manor of Madness by Lee Clark Zumpe

What Dark World by Glynn Barrass

Available from Rainfall Records & Books for £4.50 including P&P.

Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

The Girly Comic Book Volume 1 Reviewed by Finn Clark at This Way Down

The Girly Comic Book Volume 1 Reviewed by Stephen Theaker on GoodReads

The Girly Comic Book Volume 1 Reviewed by Mark West on GoodReads

The Girly Comic Book Volume 2 Reviewed by Finn Clark at This Way Down

Burning With Optimism’s Flames Reviewed by Daniel Tessier 19/01/13



Jay predicts the future


Jay predicts the FUTURE!

A panel by Terry Wiley from the 2009 Mid-Winter Comic  Retreat (MCR)  – Project  GoggleBox.

Jay wrote a storyline in the comic that allowed MCR attendees to reach into an old TV and retrieve items – here he decides to bring back all the missing Doctor Who episodes starring Patrick Troughton.

In 2013 the Troughton stories Web of Fear and Enemy of the World were found.

Coincidence? …. You decide….